The constructing circuit at a breadboard finally successful done and need to be test. But, still one thing not done yet that's burn coding in pic microcontroller. We need to burn the coding in pic microcontroller to make the circuit can operate. In this week, we need to find a electronic device that can burn a coding and with the help of lecturer and friend we find the device at 4 floor in admin building Unikl BMI. Actually, we get the help of technician, Norhayati. She is the one that hold the device and know how to burn the coding in pic microcontroller. She teach us everything and explain it perfectly. For example, she teach us how to burn pic by using the device and programming code. For us, she is very knowledgeable and helpfull. The device we used for is Galep-5 programmer.
The Galep-5 Sumaary:
1. The new GALEP-5 is the first pocket sized, self-powered universal device programmer. A GALEP-5 is the ideal solution for development and service. Its high speed allows using it as a production programmer.
2. GALEP-5 is a universal programmer for devices of the following types: EPROM, EEPROM, FLASH memory, serial EEPROM, NV-RAM, LPC, FPGA, PLD, EPLD, GAL, PALCE, PIC, Microcontroller (MCU).
3. The GALEP-5 device programmer fits into your jacket pocket and weighs less than 200g. It is completely powered through the USB bus and does normally not require any additional power supply.
Finally, the pic microcontroller is burn with all the coding Rainbow Lighting Controller. We very thankful for technician,Norhayati for helping us. This week, we gained a lot of knowledge and experience about pic microcontroller and programmer.
This is some picture that technician, Norhayati help us to burn pic microcontroller:
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